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Offboarding solutions for a smooth transition.

The offboarding checklist doesn’t have to be a mile long.

Concerned man at computer

Losing an employee is not ideal, but don’t let the offboarding process add to the difficulty. When an employee leaves, it can be time-consuming to get through the offboarding checklist: conduct exit interviews, process returned equipment, deactivate access to internal systems, and more. Let Ease carry some of the burden by terminating benefits and sending COBRA notifications.

Complete crucial steps in the offboarding process.

Say goodbye to tracking sheets and manage terminated employees directly within Ease. Here, you’re able to access essential information regarding terminations, COBRA notifications, and benefits. HR administrators already have enough on their plates, help ‘em out with smart automation.

Termination Reasons.

Ask any HR admin and they will tell you tracking the cause for employee terminations is essential. Whether voluntary or involuntary, it’s important to monitor termination reasons. Instead of manually tallying on a spreadsheet, allow Ease to track termination information for you. The status of your employee’s employment can be set to either terminated or retired, then, add the reason for the termination. Voluntary, involuntary, or gross misconduct, the reasons for your employee’s termination will remain in Ease for easy access. 

Terminated Benefits.

Even when all internal steps of the offboarding process are complete, impacted carriers still have to be notified. Benefits will be automatically marked as terminated in Ease after your employee is updated. But, you can even take it a step further. When you’re connected with our carriers, terminated enrollments will be sent to the carriers, too. Bypass the tedious process of terminating employees directly with the carrier and let Ease handle it for you. 

COBRA Notifications.

What if your employee doesn’t have another option for their coverage? That’s where COBRA comes in. COBRA-eligible employees can be tracked and maintained directly in Ease. Even better, if you connect Ease with a COBRA third-party administrator (TPA), the COBRA notification becomes automatic. The minute your employee is marked as terminated in Ease, the system will push the employment information to the TPA, and the TPA will send the COBRA notice directly to your employee.

Choose your COBRA solution.

By connecting with a TPA, COBRA notifications automatically send to terminated employees.

Take the first step to an easier HR solution.

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