Ease is now owned by Employee Navigator!


One-stop payroll & benefits.

Payroll and benefits go together like peanut butter and jelly. It makes sense to have a solution that handles both. 

Two restaurant managers discussing finances

Thanks to the magic of thoughtful technology, small businesses are no longer relegated to separate benefits and payroll systems (and multiple points of data entry). Half the work and double the functionality? You got it.

Integrated payroll solutions mean you:

Save time.

An API connection securely matches demographic and deduction information between Ease and integrated payroll software partners. Meaning: Changes made in one system automatically appear in the other and drastically reduce the risk of errors. Plus the time saved here frees up HR teams to focus on what matters most. 

Win business.

Did you know? More than half of brokers report offering more options and deeper services to their clients than ever before. One of those services? Payroll. Help protect your current book of business and win new clients by offering an integrated payroll and benefits experience. Psst: There’s even a good chance your clients’ current payroll providers are already Ease partners. 

Reduce headaches.

Integrating benefits and payroll solutions means there’s at least one less login to remember. For employees, that’s one less place to worry about updating demographic or benefits information and one simple, unified view to see all their payroll, tax, and benefits information.

Simple Setup: Payroll

We’ve joined forces with world-class partners to streamline benefits and payroll the easy way.

Payroll makes the difference.

Ease plays nice with a number of different payroll providers (and counting).

Ready to make the most of your benefits solution?

See what payroll integrations can do for you.

You’re the expert on benefits. We make it easier for you to manage them.

Fill out the form to discover more.

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