If the objective of your website is to grow your insurance agency online, then you need to gather information about your traffic. Have you wondered what people actually do when they get to your site? Have you thought about how they got to it in the first place? Do you know if potential prospects are getting to your services page? Google Analytics for insurance agencies can help you answer these questions and many more.
In our post on Marketing Analytics, we shared how important collecting data is to expand your reach and grow your business. If you are not looking into your website analytics, you could be wasting a lot of time and money. In this week’s post, we introduce Google Analytics for insurance agencies so you can start enhancing your website’s performance.
Google Analytics is a website analytics tool provided completely free by Google. This platform’s goal is to collect your website’s data to help you gain insight into your traffic and gather information about your visitors. It was launched in 2005 and, today, it is the most popular analytics tool.
When implementing Google Analytics, you will be able to determine how your website is performing. Moreover, you will discover which marketing efforts are successfully driving traffic to your site. For example, Google Analytics will gather information about your traffic sources, where your visitors are coming from. You may discover that your first source is Google: your visitors are finding your website by typing keywords into the search engine. Consequently, you could infer your website’s SEO is on point and your SEO strategy?is working.
There is a lot of data and information to collect and extract conclusions from, but, broadly speaking, Google Analytics for insurance agencies is important for three main reasons:
Let’s look at this scenario. You learn through analytics that your homepage is not effective since a large number of visitors are bouncing. Meaning, they are exiting your site after viewing only one page. Your data also proves that your ?About? page performs better than your homepage: visitors stay longer and move onto your services page. Perhaps, your ?About? page is less technical and more conversational than your homepage, which is overly complicated and trying to communicate too much information. If you know your ?About? page is more attractive to your visitors, apply the same style to your homepage and track results to determine if the changes are working.
If you outsourced the creation of your website, you can ask your web developer or agency to help you with the process. However, installing Google Analytics is easier than it sounds. You could do it yourself in less than an hour. Below, we share the three steps you need to follow to install Google Analytics for insurance agencies:
Create A Google Analytics Account
To start with Google Analytics, the first step is to create an account. You may have a Google account if you use other services like Gmail, Google Drive, or YouTube. You can use this account if it is dedicated to your business, or you can create a new one.
Keep in mind you should be the only one with access to this account. You can grant access to your Google Analytics to other people later. If you have a person in charge of your website, you should still be the one creating the Google Analytics account. If that person decides to part ways, they can take the access to all your data with them and you will need to start over.
Set Up Your Account And Install Your Tracking Code
Once you have a Google account, you can sign in by visiting Google Analytics main page. The first screen you will see is going to be a form to fill in information about your website, such as website name, industry category, or URL. When you are done, you can click the button to get your tracking ID. In this Google Support article, you will find a detailed explanation on how to do add the code to your website’s pages.
Set Up Goals
When setting up Google Analytics, the code installation is seen as the last step. However, establishing your goals is where your focus should be to track conversions and find out if your website is actually helping your business grow. In essence, tracking conversions will tie your website to revenue.
By setting up your goals, you are telling Google Analytics what the important actions a visitor can make on your website are. For example, you can set up ?quote requested? as a goal. Every time a prospect fills out the form to request a quote, Google Analytics will count it as a conversion.
To set up goals, you can go to the admin page and, under the view dropdown, go into goals and click on create a new goal. You can set up to 20 goals. Some goal examples are email sign up, lead form submission, or demo scheduled. But always keep in mind to set up goals that are aligned with your business objectives.
After setting up your Google Analytics account, give it time to gather enough information to provide relevant reports. The data will be more accurate when more visitors get to your site. There are over 50 reports within Google Analytics that you can learn from but all of them are divided into three types: audience reports, acquisition reports, and behavior reports. Each report is designed in the form of a table: each row represents a dimension (your visitors attributes, such as gender, age, city, keywords they use to find your website, or their operating system) and each column is a metric (the element you are tracking such as sessions, new users, or bounce rates).
Audience Reports
Audience reports contain all the information you need to know about your visitors, such as demographics, location, language, or interests. By gathering this data, you will be able to target your prospects better. For example, imagine that most of your visitors are millennials between the ages of 25 and 35, but after visiting your services page they are not converting. Millennials are more interested in high-deductible health plans, are you offering attractive deals for them?
Acquisition Reports
Acquisition reports gather information about what drove your visitors to your website. When you implement Google Analytics for insurance agencies, you will gain an overview of the top channels sending visitors to your site, such as organic, social, referral, or email. If you are implementing paid advertising campaigns with Google Adwords, you can also connect them to your Google Analytics through Google Search Console and gain insights about search traffic and SEO.
Behavior Reports
Behavior reports will help you gain insights about your content performance. By providing information such as your most visited pages or your entry and exit pages, you will learn what content is more attractive to your prospects. For example, if you discover that your Services page rates on the top exit pages, make some changes to increase effectiveness.
Google Analytics is key to measure website traffic. The reports will tie the data to the goals you set up and, therefore, to conversions. For example, if you are reviewing the Location report, you can see the number of conversions your site has by city. Or, if you are looking at an Acquisitions report, you can see the number of conversions made by visitors from LinkedIn. By using Google Analytics for insurance agencies, you will obtain the right information to improve your website, maximize its performance, and sell insurance in the online world.