Ease is now owned by Employee Navigator!


Simplify ACA filing.

Make ACA compliance easy and avoid IRS penalties and fines.

Optimistic woman at computer

ACA rules and regulations change constantly. And, we know it’s hard for brokers and human resource management teams to find the time to stay current with what needs to be done when, and how, when it only happens once a year. Rely on a compliance solution that takes care of determining employee healthcare eligibility and activates the required reporting to avoid IRS penalties and fines.

Simple and accurate electronic processing

All that’s left to do? Download the required forms for employees to electronically sign and employers to submit to the IRS. 


It’s just that easy.

ACA with Ease works.

Our system automatically calculates employee eligibility, verifies codes for required 1094/1095 IRS reporting, and accesses electronic filing by tracking current and historical employee data within Ease. 

Then, ACA with Ease measures affordability to ensure coverage meets the ACA’s Minimum Essential Coverage standard by using plan data in one of three ways: W-2 form, rate of pay, and the federal poverty line. 

Ready to see the ACA filing solution in action?

See what an all-in-one solution can do for you.