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Manage Changes Improvements Made Just in Time

Paige Jarzabkowski
May 16, 2022

The manage changes report is key to a smooth enrollment experience.

It’s no secret that managing enrollments can be time consuming, whether open enrollment, mid-year changes, or new hire enrollments. Anything can happen throughout the year. Our manage changes report is the tool to keep you organized and help you over the enrollment finish line. And, we’ve made it even better with our newest update.

A Filter For Everything

When you have 25 employer groups, each with at least 50 employees going through open enrollment all at once, you need transparent filters to organize the chaos. The manage changes report is an essential tool during open enrollment, and now we’ve updated our filters to make the process even easier. New filter options include new hire enrollment, employment termination, and separating open enrollment (extended) from open enrollment.

The new hire enrollment may be similar in name to the old filter “new hire,” but this is a new and improved version. Instead of all changes falling under “new hire,” only the new hire enrollment will show. During open enrollment, all enrollments completed are “open enrollment.” After open enrollment is closed, any new hires enrolling are “open enrollment (extended).”

Clear filters are essential during the most stressful time of the year. And, if the filter is set, you can still mass process all the changes listed once the to-do list is complete. Trust us, we’ve got your back.

Only the Essentials Are Left

Cut through the noise and find only the pertinent information left. The days of sorting through all job class changes to find the one enrollment you’re looking for are over. If the change doesn’t affect enrollment, it’s not listed on your report. Qualifying life event? No need to list the change twice. If an employee gets married and adds their spouse, only the enrollment change is listed.

Personalize your experience by hiding even more changes. Under your settings, you can choose to hide name, email, and phone number updates. If an update is only needed for your employer group, drop it from your list and keep it on theirs. Psst: the W-4 and emergency contact updates are even “client only” changes.

It’s time to meet your new best friend during open enrollment season – auto-processing. Whether you’ve built out a new employer group or you are renewing plans, you can auto-process the changes. While you’re completing the import of current enrollments, you’ll notice a new box. Before the import, check the box to ensure all the changes are auto-processed. Bonus: when the time comes to renew your benefits plans, those will be auto-processed too.

Clear Enrollments = Less Work

Did your employer group hire a new employee during open enrollment? Has panic over the confusion between the enrollments settled in yet? Let us help you through the process with our newest update. Clear definitions have been set to avoid marking all enrollments for a new hire as a “new hire enrollment.”

Only after your new hire completes their current enrollments, will the change be a true “new hire enrollment.” Then, the employee can move forward to open enrollment to make their selections for the upcoming plan year. Separate from “new hire enrollment,” those plan selection enrollments are in the manage changes report as “open enrollment.” No need to second guess which enrollments need processing now and which ones can wait a few more weeks.

The Only Organization Tool You Need

Open enrollment is around the corner. Keep all your employees and enrollment changes on Ease for the easiest process. Don’t get lost in the chaos. Keep your head held high knowing that you have the best tool at your disposal — Ease.

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